Why you should take your Instagram more seriously

and on that note… follow me at @tammslynn 😉

Do you want to work with brands?

Or take pictures that are aesthetically pleasing?

Or even just learn about the opportunities that could come from this platform?

Then I highly recommend you stay on this blog post 😉

My name is Tammy Lynn Ghawi… but you can just call me Tammslynn. From the time I was young, I was always interested in modelling and pageants and I did achieve those goals but not to the fullest. I didn’t like how I wasn’t in control of what I wanted the content creation to look like, rather I was just being told what to do. That is where I found my love for content creation on social media and that is exactly why everyone should take their Instagram’s more seriously!

Where to start:


  • Your first name (ex. Tammy Lynn Ghawi)
  • City your in (ex. Toronto)
  • What your content is about (ex. Lifestyle blogger & Fashion enthusiast)
  • An email they can reach out to you (ex. PR/Collaborations: youremail@hotmail.com)
  • A link to a website or blog if you have!


The type of content that you should be putting out is QUALITY OVER QUANTITY. Think about it like this: the content that is being put out… would you want your favourite brand to see it? Your favourite celebrity to see it? What about you on your worst days so that this picture can bring you happiness or proudness? If the answer is NO to ANY of those questions…do not post it! You must remember that not everyone who sees your Instagram knows you in real life… first impressions are everything in the social media field.

Tips & Tricks to helping you with your content:

  1. Tripods and the timer feature on your smart phone! Majority of my pictures are taken on a ring light tri-pod with my camera on timer. This is because it is when I feel the most comfortable taking pictures and taking as many as I want. I am also very particular with the type of content I want to put out and I think that I am able to capture my vision perfectly!
  2. Day Time – DAY TIME LIGHTING IS UNBEATABLE! NATURAL LIGHT IS WAY BETTER THAN ANY TYPE OF LIGHT! Try to find time in between your very busy day to get ready and click a few photos! Do not worry if they do not come out the way you want…that is exactly why filters are here and we’re living for them! That is another reason why day time lighting is key…filters tend to look more natural and pleasing on natural lighting.
  3. It’s okay to take inspiration! Luckily this is something I did not have to do yet but I can see it happening with a more busy schedule…if you’re going through a period of brainfart or just no motivation to take a pic… hop on pinterest for inspiration! Even if there is no specific picture that catches your eye, it can still create a colour palette that you can work with, or can remind you of outfits that you have and etc. The internet is a powerful tool, use it to your benefit!
  4. If you are still reading this far, I guess I should just make a full blog post on all the tips and tricks to content creation…what do you think? 😉

So now to actually answer my question, why SHOULD YOU take your Instagram more seriously.

You get to work with brands that interest you…you get to try products you were thinking about purchasing with your own money OR trying out new products you didn’t even know existed! You also get the chance to showcase your creativity and be able to exercise your thoughts in any way you want; whether that is video editing, photo editing, photography, modelling, marketing skills, etc. This is a place for you to do everything on your own terms and you never know the opportunities that can arise from that! And lastly, I’ll leave it at this…you get to work for YOURSELF.

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